We made rack of lamb on the big green egg after finding a nice rack or two at Costco that were french cut (the meat is cut off the bone to form a lamb popsicle).
We applied our reverse sear technique to get them to the correct temperature and the results were excellent.
Let's get started.
We googled around to find a great recipe for cooking rack of lamb on the BGE and we found this one on the dizzy pig bbq site as an example and loosely followed along. We used our own store bought rub and reverse sear method to cook.
2 racks of lamb about 8 ribs each to feed 4 healthy eaters. (teen boys included)
a little olive oil to coat
Big Green egg Caliente Rub to coat
Pour a glass of wine. It is 92 degrees here so hydration is key. What good is a great rack of lamb if you are dead?
Heat the Egg to 300ish, trim the fat, rub with olive oil and caliente rub then cook until 90 degrees internal, pull them off to rest, run the egg up to 600 degrees and cook 2-3 minutes each side until 110-125 internal temp.
Follow along...
First go grab two racks for 4-5 people and use your boning knife to trim off the excess fat.
I have been reading Franklin Barbecue: A Meat-Smoking Manifesto
Dexter-Russell (S131F-6PCP) - 6" Boning Knife - Sani-Safe Series
and the
Sani-Safe S140-12SC-PCP 12" Scalloped Roast Slicer
The boning knife is inexpensive and razor sharp.
.I trimmed a lot of the fat cap off and trimmed into the groove of fat where the meat and the bone meet. Got it as lean as a could.
Because I had some Viva Caliente rub, I used it to coat the front and back after rubbing with olive oil
Took no chances in this hot weather
heated the lamb until the internal temperature was approximately 90 degrees. It took about 5 minutes a side at about 300 degrees.
Pulled them off to rest while I heated the egg up to 600 degrees
Returned them to the egg at 600 degrees and cooked them 2-3 minutes per side or until the internal temp was 120ish
Then pulled them a second time to rest while I charred some asparagus on the hot egg
The act of cutting the rack into the little individual lamb "popsicles" is to make a lamb chops.
This is the good stuff. Don't be afraid to make this one. Quick and easy.
Everyone loved this one, it was tender and perfectly cooked. It was quick and easy but not inexpensive. Probably $10 per person in food cost for the lamb but it was worth it. The viva caliente rub made the bark a little spicier than someone with a low threshold might like so you may want to tone down the rub if you have sensitive palates.
We would love it if you would drop us a note and let us know how your cook went in the comment section. We are always looking for suggestions and improvements! We have opened up the comments so that anyone can post now, so please do. I'll try not to delete anything unless it is spam or stabs me in the heart.
Please help support our site, buy something you like on Amazon. Simply click through the link below and we get a small percentage of what you pick. Though you can pick anything, I suggest the thermometer and knives below:
So apparently Thermoworks doesn't sell through Amazon anymore. You must buy direct. Still the thermometer to have. Go here and order direct.
Dexter-Russell (S131F-6PCP) - 6" Boning Knife - Sani-Safe Series
and the
Sani-Safe S140-12SC-PCP 12" Scalloped Roast Slicer