Happy New Year! It is 2019. 2018 was a big year for us, my beloved bride and I moved into a new home, we had a son graduate high school and a daughter graduate college so we have much to celebrate.
Being it is a new year in the South means you must make collard greens and black eyed peas on New Year's day.
This year, or at least this fall, we grew our own collards in raised beds so that we could harvest them on New Year's day just for this occasion. So let's get going.
Being it is a new year in the South means you must make collard greens and black eyed peas on New Year's day.
This year, or at least this fall, we grew our own collards in raised beds so that we could harvest them on New Year's day just for this occasion. So let's get going.
Starting a little slow. Working one handed while holding an ice pack on my head.
First cut the stems out of the leaves.
First cut the stems out of the leaves.
Just drop them into cool water maybe a little salt.
Dice an onion
Saute the onion with some olive oil in your favorite dutch oven.
Slice up the collards
Add some chicken stock to your onions.
Come on people, how good does that look?
Add the collards and your ham hock for seasoning
Let it cook on medium heat in a dutch oven. Maybe 2.5 hours total.
1 hour with the lid on and the remaining with it off to let the pot likker concentrate.
Here we are ready to serve.
how about a bonus? Let's add a ham steak. Must be a cast iron skillet. I'm pretty sure it is a law somewhere.
People. This might be as southern as it gets.
When I lay in bed in the darkest moments of the night and my mind wants to wander into discontent, I can easily cast a warm light by thinking of this meal. Good enough mojo to help you sail into the New Year.
When I lay in bed in the darkest moments of the night and my mind wants to wander into discontent, I can easily cast a warm light by thinking of this meal. Good enough mojo to help you sail into the New Year.
We would love it if you would drop us a note in the comment section and let us know how your cook went. We are always looking for suggestions and improvements! We have opened up the comments so that anyone can post now, so please do. I'll try not to delete anything unless it is spam or stabs me in the heart.
Please help support our site, buy something you like on Amazon. Simply click through the links below and though you can pick anything, I suggest the thermometer and knives below:
So apparently Thermoworks doesn't sell through Amazon anymore. You must buy direct. Still the thermometer to have. Go here and order direct. unfortunately, we don't get a dime for this but still, it is one you want.
Aaron Franklin's Favorite trimming knife:
Dexter-Russell (S131F-6PCP) - 6" Boning Knife - Sani-Safe Series
Aaron Franklin's Favorite Brisket cutting/serving knife:
Sani-Safe S140-12SC-PCP 12" Scalloped Roast Slicer